Carsen Giles, Artistic Director

Other Studio Polices

Observing classes – Our space is limited and visitors inside the studio tend to distract the dancers & usually keep them from focusing on the task at hand. 

Private Dance Instruction - These sessions are meant for instructors and students only.  Parent(s) may attend, however, other guests and non-participants may not.  

Studio Rules – No gum, food, or drinks other than water is allowed in the studios. We will have bottled water on site for sale. Please eat meals prior to arriving for class, but if eating in the lobby is necessary, please clean up after yourself. Students should not be dropped off earlier than 10 minutes prior to their class time. Students must be picked up in the lobby promptly at the conclusion of their class.


Class Placement – Placement is made with the ability of the individual student in mind. Advancement is not by classes as a whole. There is often a two or three year age span in each class. If a student shows unusual progress during the year, a possible transfer to a more advanced class could occur. Pointe instruction can begin when instructor feels each dancer is strong enough structurally and technically, regardless of age or years of study.

Insurance – Studio Dance does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all dance students be covered by their own insurance policies.


Attendance – Regular attendance is important for students to learn and develop proper body placement, alignment, and tone.  Dance classes are unique in that the student is learning an artform in addition to exercising the body physically. Consistent attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class, and the studio wants to ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Holiday Dates and Weather Policy

Studio Holidays - Labor Day, Fall Break (follow Johnson City School dates),  Thanksgiving (Wednesday - Friday), Christmas (follow Johnson City School dates), Spring Break (follow Johnson City School dates). We do not close for teacher workdays or government-related closings.


Bad Weather Closings - We will follow the Johnson City School's decisions for bad weather closings. Call the studio when in doubt, or check Studio Dance's Facebook page (all snow days will be made up).

Dress Code and Costume Policy

Dress Code – All we ask that dance wear be worn (your choice of color & style), and the appropriate dance shoes for each class. Studio Dance can fit dancers for their shoes and we do have certain color and styles for different classes. Dress as a dancer & you will think as a dancer! No blue jeans or other “school” clothing. Students enrolled in ballet must wear a leotard and tights. Make sure hair is secured and away from the face. Dancers dance with their bodies and we must be able to check body placement and carriage. This is difficult to do when dancers are dressed in baggy clothing.  It is the responsibility of the parent and the student to come to class dressed in the proper attire.


Costume Deposits & Recital – Our recital will be conducted in late April or early May. This is the climax of our dancing year. Recital dates will be set as soon as possible, taking into account school schedules. We will use an auditorium or theater in the area that will suit our needs. Costumes for the recital will be ordered in December. Costumes average between $45 & $65 per costume. Therefore, a non-refundable $50 deposit will be due no later than November 15th.  Once costume deposits have been made we assume your dancer will participate in the spring recital and you are responsible for costume balance. No costumes go home until all unpaid balances are cleared. Parents make the decision as to how many dances their child will perform, and participation for the spring recital is encouraged but not required. All students in the recital must attend dress rehearsal. Any more than 2 total absences during February, March, or April must be made up in order to perform in the recital. Sometimes a private lesson may be in order.


Tuition- Is based on a full academic year (September – May). Once registered, a student is enrolled in the full academic year, and no refunds or reductions will be allowed for classes missed. Tuition will remain the same for each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month, this includes holidays and spring break. Make-­up classes are available for illness and should be made-up within two weeks of the missed class. Classes are not pro-­rated, and if you are going to be absent for a period of time, the tuition rate is still the same in order to ensure your child’s spot in class.

If tuition is not paid by the 7th of the month, it will be considered late and a $5 late fee will be added. No statement will be sent out unless there is an outstanding balance. A fee of $30 will be assessed for any returned checks. 

Forms of payment: Cash, checks, and Credit/Debit Cards. 

Withdrawal from class: One-­month notice is required to withdraw from class. Withdrawal must be in writing to the director sent by mail, email, or in person. Notifying an instructor does not qualify as a withdrawal notice and you will be billed until proper notice is provided to the director, Carsen Giles.

Studio Dance's Policies and Information

        Artistic Director & Owner: Carsen Whitlock Giles
        Studio Address: 198 Marketplace Blvd.  Johnson City, TN 37604


​*All Classes must have a minimum of Five (5) dancers enrolled. Schedules can change prior to September due to enrollment sizes.

*All Company classes (Minis, Power, Dynamic, & Elevate) are by invitation and audition only.

*Several ballet, tap, lyrical, jazz, and pointe classes are by teacher placement.

*Costume deposits are $50 per costume and due in November for the recital each year.


Private Dance Instruction (55 Minutes - 1 Student)- $50.00 per session

Semi-Private Dance Instruction (1 hr - 2 Students)- $30.00 per dancer, per session

Trio Private Dance Instruction (1 hr - 3 Students)- $25.00 per dancer, per session